

Takeshi Shikama solo show -Platinum Palladium Prints
“Contemplation – Snow Moon Flower”
10 (Wed) - 29 (Mon) July, 2024
Nihonbashi Takashimaya S.C. Art Gallery X
2-4-1 Nihonbashi Chyuo-ku Tokyo
Tel: 03-3211-4111

志鎌猛 展 Platinum Palladium Prints
“観照 雪月花”
会期:2024年7月10日(水)〜7月29日(月) 10:30~19:30
会場: 日本橋高島屋S.C. 本館6階美術画廊X
東京都中央区日本橋 2-4-1 
Tel: (03) 3211-4111 (代)

lunngalerie Lunn Ltd and Boogie Woogie Photography are excited and honored to announce we will present the work of Takeshi Shikama at Paris Photo 2024 as it returns to the Grand Palais in November. Stay tuned for updates.

Photo: Takeshi Shikama, Urban Forests: Paris, Trocadero #2
Platinum / palladium print on Japanese Gampi paper 19 x 19 cm / Edition of 9



Please Contact us or visit one of the gallery representatives for inquiries and to view the prints.

Takeshi Shikama

3-11-3-106 Nishiogikita Suginami-ku Tokyo, 167-0042, Jpan
Tel: +81(0)3 3397 2435
Mobile: +81(0)90 7736 8116
